
Thursday, August 30, 2007

RYMS Night: The Bowling Edition
Sunday, September 16, 6:30-8:00 PM 

Enjoy an evening hanging out with the RYMS at church.

The theme of this month’s edition will be Bowling!

The night will include:
Wacky Bowling Lanes at Church
“Are You the Bowling Ball, the Pin, or the Lane?” Devotion
Bowling Alley Snacks

Registration not necessary. . .
but the first 12 people to register will receive a prize.

Bring a friend!
We need parents to help!


QUESTIONS? Email Pastor Squires or call 684-3989.

Friday, August 10, 2007

You are Chosen:
Reflections from the National Youth Gathering - Part 3 

Part of a series of reviews of concerts at the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod National Youth Gathering, July 28-August 1, 2007

You know the elevator game where you jump as the car arrives at a floor and depending on whether the elevator is going up or down, your jump is smaller or bigger than you’d expect? We played the elevator game at the Stellar Kart show at the LCMS National Youth Gathering.

Stellar Kart’s Tuesday afternoon show was in the Valencia Room on the fourth floor of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. A fourth floor ballroom, and as the crowd pogoed to Stellar Kart’s full participating skate punk songs, that floor was flexing beneath our feet. Sometimes your jump took longer to find solid ground; sometimes the floor was rising to meet you.

[One of our adult leaders—while enjoying the music—backed away from the pit but kept her video camera going, praying that her video wouldn’t have to end up on a 20/20 special about the youth gathering that went through the floor].

I suppose that says nothing about the music, but it is testimony to the fact that Stellar Kart plays with such ferocity as to get everyone rocking. They pick up on Relient K’s skate punk attitude and flair while using heavy doses of MxPx’s punk core. And although some may accuse Stellar Kart of tailgating Relient K, SK seems much better at drawing in the crowd into their happy, thrasy, jumping, bouncing world. Relient K definitely has a cultic aspect, where inside jokes and devoted followers reign. SK pulls in everyone—whether you know their songs or not. With a hearty welcome and plenty of rock ‘n’ roll set before us, they won over my youth who now hope to bring them to Wisconsin next summer.

I heard plenty of music in our five days at the Gathering, but I don’t think I enjoyed myself as much as I did in the SK elevator game. While the sound set up left much to be desired—the speaker layout didn’t anticipate a crowd right in front of the stage, I still enjoyed every sweaty fist pump and only wished there was enough space to let me spin like Adam Agee (vocals, guitar), Brian Calcara (bass), and Cody Pellerin (lead guitar).

Thanks to Stellar Kart and Word Records for the review CD.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

You Are Chosen:
Reflections from the National Youth Gathering - Part 2 

Part of a series of reviews of concerts at the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod National Youth Gathering, July 28-August 1, 2007

When the Gathering Praise Band played “Callin’ Jesus” with a true blues approach, I danced with a pure joy. I danced for God; I danced for freedom; I danced for the love of a musical style that expresses so much of what is faith.

This may not make sense to people outside of my little circle in the world (the 2.5 million people in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod). Either you’re in a church that has a tradition of using much more variety of musical styles or you are not a part of the church wondering what’s the big deal about the blues. The LCMS has a beautiful tradition of hymns—songs written to teach and confess our faith in Christ, but stylistically we’ve had a narrow approach.

Which meant I have grown up in a church that hasn’t often embraced the blues, but I know the blues. I know the music; I know the feeling; I know the power. To finally hear the Gathering band unleash a bluesy song in front of 26,000 youth and leaders, well, I couldn’t contain myself. I called to Jesus with my dance; I called to Jesus with my heart; I called to Jesus with the blues.

And I know that Jesus calls us with His answer to the blues—the Gospel, the Good News, the soul-soaking salvation of the cross and resurrection.

The Gathering Praise Band, as a whole, was an excellent collection of players from around the country. They led us with great energy, passion, and drive, which helped our youth to be involved in worship each day. Special shout outs to Jaclyn Gibson who delivered that bluesy “Callin’ Jesus” with such deep soul. Kip Fox is an outstanding vocalist who doesn’t over-extend his emotion on the crowd; rather, his more restrained, inward focus helps to invite all people into worshipping the Lord. Dru Huston and Eric Samson teamed up for some truly inspired percussion and drum work. Finally, the Gathering band’s fluid moves from style to style wouldn’t have been possible without the contribution of Charlie Lair on electric guitar. He plays the blues with panache; he rocks out without making it a rock concert. Thanks to the whole band for making the music a true highlight of the Gathering.

Monday, August 06, 2007

You Are Chosen:
Reflections from the National Youth Gathering - Part 1 

After having a simply excellent trip to the National Youth Gathering plus a relaxing and profitable time of reflection at Cocoa Beach--and then everyone having a nap in the bus back to Orlando--we awoke at the Orlando Airport to the rude news that our flight had been canceled. 24 hours later everyone was finally back in the Manitowoc, but it prompted me to write these words to the group. I share these words publicly as the first reflection from our National Youth Gathering experience--one that may prove to take us the next step in being God's chosen servants in His mission for the RYMS and Redeemer Lutheran Church (and for Kayla and Ryan, in their churches in Minnesota and Iowa).

Friday morning, August 3, 2007
(read once everyone got through security and was at the gate for a plane bound for home)

To the RYMS National Youth Gathering Team:

You completely exceeded any of my expectations of what you would gain from the National Youth Gathering. I am so thrilled to hear about next step. AND THEN you all superceded, over-exceeded all of that by your care, patience, joy, peace, and plain good old attitude about our travel ordeal.

I know I probably looked stressed, ticked off (hacked off), grumpy, angry, and like the last person you wanted to deal with. Don't worry. It wasn't directed at you. NEVER. I was righteously angry because we deserved better from the airline. I was fully concentrating on each decision to be made.

BUT in the back of my mind, I just kept wanting to throw the Dilbert flippy-flyer, relax, and see it as an adventure. I couldn't because I had to talk to the ticket agent, but just know that's what I wanted to do.

I love you all very much. I am proud to be your pastor. I am proud to travel with you.


In Jesus,
Pastor Squires
FGAL (Family Group Adult Leader)

More to come. . .

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